Friday, July 23, 2010

Loved This One Too!

Miss A really wanted to go see Despicable Me, so Daddy and I took her and it did not disappoint any of us. I loved the three little girls Margo, Edith and Agnes........go see it, it's cute!

These guys are too.........

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

No Kempenfest This Year

I decided this year to take a break from doing Kempenfest,for the past 5 years I have done the show on the Civic weekend and met some great customers. It was a hard decision but after all the mix ups last year with the construction along the lakeshore and people not able to locate me, and slow economy sales, I needed a break!

But do not fear, if you wish to place an order for letters I will still be offering show specials for the month of August. Once again you can purchase the 10" solid painted letters for $10 each and I will also have a special on my framed letters and names and I probably will do some surprise adjustments as well! Just send me a quick email and I can adjust all the prices for you. I also offer FREE delivery within Barrie, Ont.

These are a few cute kids orders I have been working on recently

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Best Place Ever.......Just Sayin'

I think one of my favourite places to go is to the cottage. My hubby has the best set of godparents one could ever ask for and they are always great company and we love to go visit them at the cottage. This place isn't really a cottage......but that's what they call it.

The dogs love it, the kids think it's the best and we agree it's a pretty special place to visit. If you ever have the chance to go to Muskoka, Ontario make sure you's a little piece of heaven on earth.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Birthday day late

Spent the day hanging out with my family, ice cream at the general store and fireworks finished off our day nicely! All my best to our friends south of the border for a Happy 4th this weekend